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There are several different species of spiders in Ohio but only 2 that are poisonous Brown Recluse and Black Widows. Thorough spider control treatment includes treatment on the exterior, interior, attic, and crawl space (if present). Excessive interior clutter, storage, and undisturbed areas can contribute to the magnitude of the spider population. Exterior conditions such as dense vegetation, wood piles, stored items, yard clutter, etc. can also contribute and allow conducive conditions suitable for spiders. Before we make a recommendation to eliminate a spider problem we will try to determine if Brown Recluse or Black Widow Spiders are present. Once this evaluation is made we will recommend a treatment strategy to best solve your problem. Visit our Identify a Pest to help determine the type of spiders that are bugging you!
Spider Control is a 6-step Process.
If any type of Pest infestation is ever found in your home or business its important to call the professionals at AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal a trusted pest control company that services the entire Miami Valley. Whether it’s your home, school, office, restaurant, health care facility, daycare, or industrial facility, we will evaluate your pest problem and recommend a customized approach to achieve the best results. We are truly committed to providing the very best Pest Control service possible. Contact us by phone (937)884-5646.
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Preble County • Darke County • Montgomery County • Miami County
AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal
6866 Georgetown Verona Rd
Lewisburg, OH 45338
(937) 884-5646