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Ant Habits and Biology 

Ants are social insects that live in colonies that can have 1 or more queens. An average sized colony is comprised of around 4,000 ants. They can colonize in the ground, leaf clutter, or inside a structure. They have a 3-part segmented body: the Head, Thorax, and Gaster. Reproductive ants are winged. These insects can carry 20 times their body weight and live an average of 45-60 days.


There are several kinds of ants that may occur in and around the home ranging in size from about 1/32 to 3/4 inch long and colored yellowish, light brown, reddish-brown, brownish-black, or jet black. Ants, as all insects, have three body regions. head, thorax, and abdomen. Most are wingless, but the homeowner sometimes may confuse swarming, winged ants with swarming, winged termites, causing alarm. Ants can be easily distinguished from termites by several characteristics:

  • Ant bodies appear constricted or pinched in at the waist (shaped like a figure 8), while termites do not have the waist constriction.
  • Ants have elbowed antennae, while termites have straight, bead-like antennae.
  • The forewings of ants are much larger than the hindwings. Termites' wings are equal in size and
  • shape.
  • Ant wings are transparent or brownish, while termite wings are milky-white or grayish and longer than the body.
  • Ant wings are firmly attached, while termite wings are easily removed or shed (fall off).
  • Life Cycle and Habits

 If any type of Pest infestation is ever found in your home or business its important to call the professionals at AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal a trusted pest control company that services the entire Miami Valley. Whether it’s your home, school, office, restaurant, health care facility, daycare, or industrial facility, we will evaluate your pest problem and recommend a customized approach to achieve the best results. We are truly committed to providing the very best Pest Control service possible. Contact us by phone (937)884-5646 or through our website.

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