Raccoons are the most common Nuisance Wildlife we deal with in the Miami Valley Area. Eating a wide range of food raccoons will also take advantage of any very accessible trash whenever possible. Raccoons do not Hibernate, but they do live in dens and become less active during the colder months of the year. Raccoons also play a major host of rabies in the Dayton Ohio area. Raccoons feces can contain dangerous sometimes deadly organisms like raccoon roundworm. Raccoons are very good climbers. they can easily access the roof of your home, by climbing trees, downspouts satellite dishes, etc. once they do get on your roof, they look for any weakness that your roof presents to them. raccoons typically will find the easy way into your attic through attic fans, gable vents, ridge vents, soffit vents, or any roof transitions. raccoons can be very powerful animals, if they cant find an easy way in they will make one themselves. once a raccoon have gain access into your attic they make themselves a home. Raccoons will move insulation to form a den type nest. raccoons commonly damage any duct work , and electrical wiring running through your attic. the worst damage that is done by raccoons are their feces. a big accumulation of raccoon feces is very dangerous to not only your home but your family, and pets. raccoon feces can contain very dangerous pathogens and parasitic spores. That's why Raccoon removal is very important when raccoons gain access into your homes attic .
Raccoons are very proficient climbers and commonly find entry areas on the roof into the attic. Specifically raccoons commonly find entry through:
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Lewisburg, OH 45338
(937) 884-5646