Early spring usually signals mating season for many wildlife animals, especially the ground hog. Ground Hogs are also known by woodchucks, whistle pigs, we have also heard of people calling them land beavers. when males are through with hibernation and venture out in early spring they tend to only go just a few acres in a field and find female groundhogs in their burrows. females later give birth to 3-5 young after only a 34 days gestation period. New borns are always blind and hairless and can mature in three months then leave the family burrow. Groundhogs tend to be very territorial and are never known to travel in groups and will stay near their burrows for most of their life which is usually 4-6 years of age. because they live by the season the best time to trap or exclude groundhogs are mid o late summer. ground hog removal is a pretty common cal we recive in the summer months. we find alot of ground hog like to live under decks, porches, ground hog also going under a fence. ground hogs will go under sheds, steps. Ground hog removal should be done by nuisance wildlife professional so AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal should be your first call!
Groundhogs are herbivore (meaning they only greens), groundhogs can eat 1-2 pounds of vegetation a day. favorite foods include:
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Groundhog burrows typically are found near their food source. Their Burrows run 2 feet under the ground and can range from 8 feet to even 50 feet long, they will have multiple exits and multiple dens/rooms if you will. each burrow is 10"- 12" wide. below are some other damages they have caused and what we have ran into a lot with Groundhog removal:
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AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal
6866 Georgetown Verona Rd
Lewisburg, OH 45338
(937) 884-5646