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Noises in the attic are common calls for us year-round and can often be mice or squirrels although, during the winter or early spring it is typically a raccoon finding a warm spot for the winter and a spot to have babies in the spring.
Gable ends on homes and apartment buildings are common entry points for raccoons if there is rotten wood or broken screen on the gable end. Typically, you can tell if a raccoon is in the attic by investigating the entry point. Raccoons can fit into tight spaces although if a raccoon is the pest in your attic your will see the metal on the gable end bent and see hair, and dirt or grease mark around the entry point. Above is an image of a raccoon entry point on a gable end.
It is common that if the mother raccoon has babies in the attic, she will place her young in between the studs of the wall to keep them contained and only accessible to her. Removing the mother raccoon from the attic is one part of the solutions where if there are young left behind, you may hear whining from them. If the young are within the studs of the wall and cannot be reached through the attic this may require cutting through the drywall.
Many believe getting a raccoon out of an attic requires the pest control technician to live catch the animal however, this is not the case. Raccoons are best removed from the attic by setting an exclusion trap or gripping trap over the entry point because the raccoon will have to leave the attic again to get water.
An exclusion trap is a one-way door that the raccoon or raccoons if multiple can push through, closing behind them allowing them to exit without reentering. Above is an image of an exclusion trap on a raccoon entry point held open with a screw for demonstration.
After the raccoons have been removed the technician can inspect the attic and take pictures to see if an attic cleanout is necessary.
If you are hearing noises in your attic or have a possible entry point on your home call us today at (937) 884-5646
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AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal
6866 Georgetown Verona Rd
Lewisburg, OH 45338
(937) 884-5646